Saturday, December 18, 2010


Bratkartoffeln - the closest thing to authentic German food that one can, or would actually want to buy in Germany. Basically, it's sliced potatoes fried in a pan. Here at the Stiefel Bräu, they add Speck (yummy bacon) which is why their Bratkartoffeln gets to be in my blog and not that from the Wash Pub. Even so, it could be even better if they made it with cheese as well... oh but wait, in Saarland we aren't allowed to mix cheese and meat except at Christmas.

Now about the place. Stiefel Bräu is the only brewpub that I know of in Saarland and it has a very nice atmosphere. They have three beers, two of which are named Dunkeles and Helles on account that their colour is dark and light respectively. There is a third, seasonal, beer, which they sensibly name Saisonbier. Understand that Germans are an incredibly honest people, and would therefore find it immoral to give more imaginative names to such unimaginative brews. To be fair, this lack of originality is probably best explained by the fact that Stiefel Bräu is not a microbrewery at all, but is operated by Bruch's, the second largest brewery in Saarland. Even so, all three beers are far superior to the mainstream American swill and are certainly drinkable.

Restaurant:Gasthausbrauerei Stiefel Bräu
Location:Am Stiefel 2
66111 Saarbrücken
Phone:+49 (0)681 / 93-64-50
Date:7 November, 2010

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