Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wash Pub!

This is more like it, dinner at the Wash Pub. The beer, I'm sure we are all familiar with so let's talk instead about the Kroketten. Kroketten are sort of like fried mashed potatoes. Ok, that's all I can think of to describe them, other than to say that they are yummy.(Wikipedia can tell you more.) The observant reader will notice the photos in both this post and the previous are taken outdoors. The weather was almost warm today and I am becoming a proper German and sitting outside at every opportunity. Oh, I hear cries from my readers, "Wait! Is the restaurant really named the Wash Pub?" Well, actually no. The real name is Nauwies. I call it that as next door is a laundromat. Naturally, on wash days, I can start the laundry and then a nice Guinness genießen while I wait. Besides, most everyone I speak to agrees that Wash Pub is a much better name. (Here is a photo of the laundromat just in case you think I'm lying.)

Restaurant:Nauwies aka Wash Pub
Location:Nauwieserstraße 22
66111 Saarbrücken
Date:24 March, 2010

Lunch at Uni

Ausländer Cafe

There are several places you can eat at Uni; this is the Ausländer Cafe, which is the best of the lot. Having said that, I'm sad to report to you, gentile reader, that this sandwich wasn't particularly satisfying. I have learned to order other things here which are far superior. (Be sure to add this RSS feed to your favorite reader so you don't miss the exciting update!) The sandwich was made with some sort of pink mystery meat. I left the green matter in so I wouldn't dwell too much on just what part of the animal I was actually eating. A little cheese would have been a welcome addition; however, Saarlanders have a peculiar aversion to mixing proteins in a sandwich it seems. Funny, they don't look Jewish. Even so, it did make the beer taste better. Speaking of which, this is a Bruch's, another local beer. I defy anyone to be able to distinguish between this and an Urpils.

P.S. Since I first posted this, I have grown rather fond of both Bruch's and Urpils. As to which anyone who has seen my kitchen can attest.

Restaurant:Ausländer Cafe
Location:Universität des Saarlandes
Gebäude A3 2
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone:+49 (0)681 / 302-3045
Date:24 March, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dessert Wine

Pairing of food to wine is essential. This wine, however, doesn't really go well with any food, so I think I'll have it as dessert. There are several things that one considers when evaluting wine: acidity, sweetness, tannins, nose, alcohol content, and price are but a few. This wine falls short in all those areas save one -- I leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out which. Should you decide to purchase a bottle, be sure to give it a good chilling, or you may taste it. Notice the label: BioBio. I guess it's double Bio, whatever that is. I'm sure it has nothing to do with flavour, well, at least nothing positive. Incidentally, Germans pronounce Bio, bee-oh, as in B.O.  I shall say no more.

Location:Lebacher Straße
66113 Saarbrücken
Date:22 March, 2010

Rostwürst mit Pommes und Bier

Ah the Imbußstand! Imbuß is German for good food. The Rostwürst, a type of Bratwürst, is, like most meat in Germany, 100% pork. Notice how the Brötchen, or Weck as Saarlanders call it, doesn't fit the shape of the sausage at all. That's because it's not really meant to be eaten, it's just there so that you don't get your fingers messy. In fact, most Imbußstands have a little machine that will slice the sausage into bite-size morsels (kleingeschneidet, those Germans have a word for everything) which they then serve in a little paper bowl with a wooden fork thus obviating the need for the Weck at all. Few take advantage of this service, however, finding it to be a bit, oh dear, weckless. The Pommes (Germans are loathe to name anything after the French, though mispronouncing French words is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged) are perhaps a little undercooked. This is compensated for by the fact that they are fried in lard; none of that sissy vegetable oil here! The beer, Urpils, is a bier made locally in Saarland. As the name says, it is a pils, so it is nothing really remarkable. The first one of the day though tastes wonderful and by the time you drink the last one of the evening, you've stopped caring.

Restaurant:Morsch's Imbuss
Location:Lebacher Straße
66113 Saarbrücken
Date:22 March, 2010

Grilled Cheese

Grilled Blue-Cheese Sandwich with Fries and Iced-Tea
This is the tried and true grilled cheese with fries and ice tea. Things to notice are: the fries are cooked to perfection -- golden brown, and crispy, yet still soft in the middle. The sandwich is made entirely with blue cheese. The third slice of bread serves only to add another 60 calories or so. Of course the tea has no ice, it is served at about 68F (20C for my European readers.)

Location:456 College Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Date:28 July, 2009
Cost:approx $10

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I admit it. I am a foodie. I am very particular about what I put into my body. Having eaten for most everyday of my life, my opinions about food have become finely honed. Many of you out there have followed BLOGS about gourmets, both professional and amateur, and the details of the ingredients and preparation of the food they love. I promise you, you will find none of that here. Here you will see photos of good food, where to get it, and how much it will cost you to have someone bring it to your table. So, polish up your Mastercard, take a Lipitor®, and enjoy the foody goodness!